Thursday, 28 March 2013

Harassment Warning issued against Eleanor

I had been in contact with the Police for the last few weeks begging them to take action against my accuser. This wasn't the outcome that I was expecting but at least it was something. Really she ought to have been charged with the much more serious offence of Perverting the Course of Justice. 

See below:


From: Grant McLachlan
Date: Thursday, 28 March 2013 at 21:22
To: Alexander Economou
Subject: Harassment allegation

Mr Economou

Ms DeFreitas was spoken to today and like you in Feb, was given a Harassment warning re her behaviour

She stated that she has not heard from you since Feb 22nd 2013, the day of your harassment warning.

The report is now closed and complete.

If Police receive a future allegation then due to the past history you both my end up arrested for harassment for failing to heed the warnings. There is no reason for either of you to contact each other


DC Grant McLachlan


Friday, 22 March 2013

I have decided to go ahead with the Private Prosecution

Today I wrote the following letter to my MP, telling him that I was going to take action against Eleanor de Freitas and that I was going to make a complaint to the IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission) against the Police officers involved.

Gregg Hands MP

House of Commons

London SW1A OAA

22nd March 2013

Dear Gregg Hands,

Re False Rape Allegation

Thank you very much for replying to my letter of the 27th February and inviting me to meet with you. I would like to give you a quick update on my progress.

To recap I was falsely accused of rape in January 2013 and despite having a wealth of evidence to show that the woman was lying, the police dropped the case against me but did not investigate at all and told me to forget about it.

Since I wrote to you I complained to the IPCC about the police’s failure of duty. As a result of this complaint the investigating officer was taken off the case and I have had some two way communication with his superior (DI Julian King) but the case still remains closed and no progress has been made. The woman has to this day not been asked about the visit to the sex shop or text messages showing the opposite to her allegations etc. The officer insists there isn’t enough evidence to open the case, although he says he is keen to speak to a witness (that the accuser spoke to stating the opposite of her allegations) however this person doesn’t want to come forward.

Despite the police’s lack of motivation I am making some good progress. I have the backing of my family to pursue a private (criminal) prosecution and have hired specialist lawyers to do this. We are currently waiting for the police to transfer their files, including interview tapes and other evidence and then we will serve a summons on the woman to answer charges of perverting the course of justice. The lawyers are also gathering more evidence and statements from 3rd parties to help with the case.

Things are gently moving in the right direction and I anticipate that we will be able to issue a summons by the end of April. We also have so much evidence that my legal team think that the woman will enter a guilty plea. However there will probably be obstacles along the way. One tactic will be for the woman’s defense to try to get the DPP to discontinue the case or to get the CPS to take over and stop the case on the grounds that it is “not in the public interest” or that it’s “vexatious” or some other excuse. I am not keen for the CPS to take over because we could end up with prosecutors that aren’t terribly motivated or inexperienced – when compared to my own team. The defense will be aware of this and may try to use this tactic to help themselves.

In the event that the woman pleads guilty and doesn’t challenge the case then things should be plane sailing and I should be able to get my name cleared once and for all in a few months time. However if the woman’s defense tries to get the CPS to take over and stop the case then I will need to rally up some troops and combine it with a good argument (from my lawyers) to keep the private prosecution going. This is where I would ask for your support - if the CPS try to discontinue the case. I have also written to Lord Campbell Savours about my case and he has invited me to discuss things with him next week.

As well as clearing my own name and fighting for justice in general – for the sake of other falsely accused men, I think that people ought to know the barriers facing men of false accusations and how difficult it is in getting their justice.

In my case which is quite possibly one of the most extreme and absurd examples that shows that despite having a wealth of evidence the police can’t be bothered to even ask the accuser about her allegations and re-interview her or do anything to investigate. These are issues that I believe are important for people to be made aware of, especially in this “rape culture” epidemic where all men are supposed to be rapists and every woman is in danger of being raped or assaulted at any given moment during her day be it at work, in a pub in a street and at home. It’s quite simply ridiculous.

If an allegation is made by the man, where he states the woman falsely accused him then we need the police to investigate it regardless of their personal views, even just at the most basic level. It is just so absurd that the woman can make up a story and it is taken seriously even when there is zero evidence but when the man tells his story and even has evidence that shows the woman is lying he is not taken seriously at all and NOTHING is done. Something is very wrong here. There is too much rape paranoia and too many false allegations and a belief that the falsely accused man can just move on with his life as if nothing happened and that men are “strong “and should just have to put up with it. What utter nonsense.

At this moment things are gently progressing in the right direction and I don’t think we need to meet right now, however I would like to keep you up to date with the case as things progress. In the event that the CPS does try to discontinue the case then I would like to meet with you then and ask if you would be able to offer your support (even if just a letter) / and show you more details of the case papers so you can see things with your own eyes and make your own judgment etc.

Your Sincerely,

Alexander Economou

Monday, 11 March 2013

Private Prosecutions - this may not be over yet

I was feeling very depressed that the Police wouldn't take action against my accuser.

This wasn't a case where Ellie had quietly gone to a police station and made a rape accusation. No. She had gone to all of my friends and said that I raped her. She made this a very public affair.

For the last couple of weeks I have been researching what I could do. Could I sue for defamation?

The problem with Defamation is that you can't sue people that make reports to the police, even if you can prove what they said was false. There is an authority called Westcott v Westcott on that issue.

Slander is very difficult to win also. Nothing was in writing. She had verbally said that I had raped her to friends so it was going to need witnesses to recall the exact words. Even if I won the case she would of course have no money to pay damages or my legal costs.

This was a matter for the criminal courts and I just wished there was another way of doing this.

After hours and hours of searching the internet i came across some documents on Private Prosecutions. I had no idea about what a Private Prosecution was.

I started reading. What usually happens in a criminal case is that when the police investigate a crime they refer the evidence to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the CPS decide whether to charge the person or not based on the evidence.

The CPS are lawyers who prosecute cases on behalf of the Crown. All criminal cases are the Queen vs Person Accused, the CPS is just there to bring the case to court. In the case of a republic like the USA, it would be the People vs Person Accused.

With a Private Prosecution it's still the Queen v Person Accused. What different is you take the role of the CPS. Instead of the Crown Prosecutors running the case you can privately hire lawyers to bring the case to the criminal courts yourself.

In my case the police were refusing to look at the evidence. But the law said I didn't need them or the CPS. I could just get specialist lawyers and they will put a case together and Ellie will be brought to justice for the very serious charge of perverting the course of justice. She would go to trial in front of a jury, or perhaps she will apologise and plead guilty.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Email to David de Freitas bounces back

Unfortunately my email of 1st March never reaches David de Freitas and he never sees the evidence that I sent him. He will never confront his daughter and she will never confess...

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Tuesday, 5 March 2013

A letter to Gregg Hands MP

I was at my wits end and a week ago I decided to write to my MP (Member of Parliament) Gregg Hands to ask if he could help. He quickly wrote back to me suggesting we meet..

See letter below and also his response.


Gregg Hands MP

House of Commons

London SW1A OAA

27th February 2013

Dear Mr Hands,

I am writing out of desperation and exasperation. I don’t know where to turn to and could do with some help.

The matter is related to police crime reference number zzzzzzz Here I explain:

Two months ago I was falsely accused of rape, the consequences were that I was arrested, there was a police investigation and I was held on bail for 7 weeks. Needless to say it has been the most stressful experience of my life. Even though the case has been dropped with “no further action” and for the rest of my life people can always say “he got away with it” or “no smoke without fire”.

During the investigation I provided the police with some evidence that clearly showed that the woman was lying and had made a false complaint. However they completely ignored this. Please let me explain the absurdity of my evidence:

This includes CCTV of the woman and myself shopping for 25 minutes a few hours after the alleged rape. The CCTV shows us laughing, smiling and even kissing. The shop in question is Ann Summers, which is a sex shop. During the 25 minutes shopping spree the woman spends £340 on sex toys, lubricant and outfits - as I look on. The CCTV shows us walk out together with four bags full of our purchases.

As well as the CCTV evidence my lawyers forensically downloaded mobile phones of third parties that showed the woman had sent messages, a few hours after the alleged rape saying the following:

Yes I like Ec, a good match, we shall see what happens

We’ve had huge fun together and still together doing last minute Christmas shopping

In fact the police have access dozens more emails and messages sent from the woman to third parties showing that she lied as well as other evidence. During the investigation the woman even asked one of her friends to make a false police statement, this person however refused to get caught up in the lies and ignored three police requests to make a statement.

My frustration with this entire matter is that I have rock solid proof that the woman was lying and yet the police and doing absolutely nothing about it. This has been a particularly malicious allegation - the woman’s motive was revenge for not wanting to see her again after a one night stand. The police are even in possession of text messages to a 3rd party that say 48 hrs after the alleged rape:

“Without going into specifics, Ec and I had a fling, encouraged by zzzzz. I woke up at his yesterday morning and he was full of adoration. Then once I’ve finished work and I am driving to my family, he calls me up and says I am uncool manipulative bitch and never contact him again”


I just never want to see him again. He has also de-friended me on Facebook. I don’t understand what I have done wrong???

Whilst on bail I was facing 5 years imprisonment and legal fees of up to £90,000 had it gone to trial. Thankfully the CCTV and 3rd party’s telephones blocked the case. However if I had not obtained this evidence I could be in prison right now, especially if the woman’s “witness” had lied. I just cannot believe that someone can walk into a police station, make up a false complaint of rape with absolutely no fear of any consequences.

I think that it is in every man’s right to not be fearful of being falsely accused of rape and I believe that it is in the public interest for this matter to be examined further by the police and the cps. This is no joke as the police seem to think. I am currently £10,000 poorer from defense lawyers, 1 stone lighter from stress and have not slept in two months and an generally a nervous wreck because of this awful false allegation.

I just can’t believe I’m writing to you about something like this, but it is important that justice is done and people who make false allegations of rape are punished. If you wish to see the absurdity with your own eyes I can arrange to send you whatever information you wish to see including police documents, emails, video etc of the above mentioned evidence.

Please may I ask for your support in this matter. I would be grateful if you have any suggestions. I am currently seeking lawyers advice but so far the police have said they will not investigate. I feel that I need to come in at all angles on this so I’m taken seriously. The situation is absurd.

Your Sincerely,

Alexander Economou


His replied with the following letter.

Friday, 1 March 2013

I send an email to Eleanor's father - David de Freitas

I decided to write again to David de Freitas, perhaps if he spoke to his daughter she might confess?

From: Alexander Economou
Sent: 01 March 2013 21:08
To: David de Freitas
Subject: Apologies for my outburst

Dear Mr De Freitas,

Firstly I would like to apologise for my outburst sent on the 21st February. I was terribly upset at the time, and do not intend to cause you further alarm or distress.

In this email all wish for is for you learn of some important facts and see it for yourself the other side to the story. Please give me a chance to communicate with you. That is what I was trying to do several times on the 4th January but unfortunately since then I was barred from communicating due to bail conditions.

Below is an email that my lawyer sent to the police on Monday the 18th February. Please read through it and look at the dates and times next to each item. If you have any doubts about the contents then I can arrange for you to meet directly with my lawyers first thing on Monday and look at the text message evidence / CCTV evidence with your own eyes. What we disclosed is just a tiny portion of the facts.

I just want to re-assure you that there never was and could never have been any drugging, raping, torture etc. I’m sorry if it hurts you that I am suggesting that your daughter lied to the police, but please look at the facts below, and that’s just a tiny portion of the facts. The voicemail that I left you on the 4th January, that really was the truth. Why else would I do it or be contacting you right now? For what purpose?

I just want to give you an opportunity to see some facts, as I have no idea what your daughter has been telling you. If you disbelieve the below email and would like to see my lawyers in person to verify the contents then by all means I can arrange a personal meeting between you and them asap.

All I want is for you to see the truth. I’m sorry again for my outburst on the 21stFebruary and promise to never contact you or your family again after this message.
