Monday, 9 December 2019

Corrupt officer Julian King resigns, found guilty of misconduct.

It was DI Julian King (and DC Phil Dial), from the Metropolitan Police Sapphire unit who investigated Ms de Freitas false rape claims back in 2013. Now DI King has resigned before any action could be taken against him with regards to:

- Withholding evidence form the CPS
- Leaking information about me to the press
- Refusing to watch CCTV or text message evidence

Although DI King resigned the police recorded the allegations made against him as "proven" - in other words DI Julian King has been found GUILTY of misconduct in relation to the above.

These officers (along with Eleanor) probably thought I wouldn't follow up on their misconduct. It's been seven years, but I am glad I didn't give up. People who break the law must face the consequences.