Monday, 9 December 2019

Corrupt officer Julian King resigns, found guilty of misconduct.

It was DI Julian King (and DC Phil Dial), from the Metropolitan Police Sapphire unit who investigated Ms de Freitas false rape claims back in 2013. Now DI King has resigned before any action could be taken against him with regards to:

- Withholding evidence form the CPS
- Leaking information about me to the press
- Refusing to watch CCTV or text message evidence

Although DI King resigned the police recorded the allegations made against him as "proven" - in other words DI Julian King has been found GUILTY of misconduct in relation to the above.

These officers (along with Eleanor) probably thought I wouldn't follow up on their misconduct. It's been seven years, but I am glad I didn't give up. People who break the law must face the consequences.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Metropolitan Police pay me £10,000 in compensation.

The Metropolitan Police have paid me £10,000 in general damages with regards to the very serious misconduct of Detective Inspector Julian King and Detective Constable Phil Dial in which they:

- Both refused to watch CCTV evidence I provided them with, and never looked at text messages that showed Eleanor de Freitas had made a false allegation of rape.

- Both knew that Eleanor de Freitas had a history of making false rape complaints, but let her get away with it again and again.

- Detective Inspector King also breached the data protection act releasing my confidential information  to the de Freitas family without my consent.

Last year, the Daily Mail briefly reported the Police Misconduct. Click here to see the article. The officers are still under investigation by the IPCC and are facing a misconduct hearing at some point in the future. The outcome of that investigation is not yet known and that procedure is separate from my case against the police.

As well as receiving compensation from the police, it is possible that the officers will face disciplinary action if they are found guilty.

Watch this space.

Monday, 7 January 2019

David de Freitas bankrupts me.

Six seeks weeks ago I lost my appeal (in the court of appeal) which meant I had to pay David de Freitas legal costs. The judge ordered me to pay an "interim payment" of £400,000 by the 19th December 2018, but I had run out of money.

Mr de Freitas legal bill is probably somewhere around £1.8m. I didn't make the payment of £400,000 so David de Freitas applied to have me bankrupted and that's what has happened. It's no secret, the bankruptcy is being advertised in the Gazette as with all bankrupts, so might as well put it here as part of the narrative.

I've moved out of my flat I lived in for 19 years and now living in a rental. That flat will be sold to pay off Mr de Freitas legal bill. It's all a bit sad, but it can't get any worse than this. There is nothing to lose at this stage.

Overcoming setbacks and making comebacks are what makes life interesting, so even though I should be depressed I am actually pretty upbeat and excited about the future. It only gets better from here.  Bring on 2019!