Monday, 18 February 2013

CCTV shows Ellie buying SEX TOYS the morning AFTER the alleged attack.

Several weeks ago we had written to Ann Summers asking if they could provide a copy of the CCTV from their shop showing Ellie and and I shopping together the morning after the supposed attack.

This was really important evidence. It shows that contrary to what Ellie had told the police she was not under any duress, she was in fact buying sex toys with her "attacker" the day after the supposed attack.

NB As you will see, she choose all of the items, I actually did not want to buy any sex toys, it was her idea. I have my hands in my pockets or behind my back the entire time.

The CCTV shows that she was not "groggy" or throwing up the morning after our date, like she claimed.

It shows her laughing and smiling and having fun and buying £400 of sex toys. (No its not a joke).

I couldn't believe it when my lawyer called me into her office to view the CCTV. Ann Summers had given us a copy without much fuss. This was it.

This was all the evidence I needed to show that this rape accusation was nothing but a pack of lies.

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