Monday, 18 February 2013

Sending evidence to the police

Finally, today my solicitor emailed the Police with the CCTV and text message evidence. I can not wait for them to receive it. I am confident that upon receipt they will:

1. Drop the case against me.

2. Take legal action against Ellie for Perverting the course of justice.

See full email below (names have been changed)


From: zzzz
Sent: 18 February 2013 14:34
To: zzzzz
Subject: Re: Alexander Economou

Dear Dc Dial

Re: Alexander Economou

Bailed to return - 22.2.13 at 11:00 Notting Hill Police Station

I write on behalf of the above named client.

As I discussed with you on the telephone a few weeks ago my client would like to present you with a number of items. It is believed this information is relevant both to any recommendation you make to the cps re disposal and in our submission is essential information for the cps to consider before making any decision regarding disposal.

1 – CCTV Footage from Ann Summers store, Kennington on 24.12.12

I am not able to forward this footage to you by email as it is too large but can have this delivered to you personally this week should you let me know your location at any point.

This footage was requested from Ann Summers by us his solicitors.

It covers footage from the store on 5 separate cameras over the relevant period.

This footage covers the alleged victim entering the store at 11:24 followed by my client at 11:25 and both leave at 11:52. In this period of time they have spent approximately £300 on a large amount of sex toys.

The defence would say this shows that my client and the alleged victim are getting along very well the morning after the allegation and her conduct in particular demonstrates she has not recently been sexually abused by my client. The alleged victim is assisted by a member of staff for in excess of 20 minutes as she enthusiastically selects a large number of items whilst my client looks on. Both my client and the alleged victim appear to be smiling together, laughing together, and even kissing in store (11:50 Till camera).

2 – The defence have also sought the opportunity to have the mobile phones of two persons forensically examined to support our client’s account that he was involved in no wrong doing on 23.12.12 as per his prepared statement.

The first of these persons is a mutual friend of the complainants and my client. Her name is Ann zzzz and her telephone number is 0zzzzzzz. You will see from the extracts of entries downloaded from her phone that Ellie De Freitas text’s Ann zzzzzzz on the 25.12.12 a number of times:

These entries include 10:51 on 25.12.12I just wanted you to know I am on suicide watch. Economou fucked me and chucked me….

12:25 on 25.12.12 I’m now safe with my family. The ambulance people treated me for shock and luckily I had a supply of sleeping pills. Without going into specifics, Ec and I had a fling, encouraged by Ben. I woke up at his yesterday morning and he was full of adoration. Then once I’ve finished work and I am driving to my family, he calls me up and says I am uncool manipulative bitch and never contact him again

16:38 25/12/12 “I just never want to see him again. I can only assume he was on drugs or something when he spoke to me. It is especially hard because I told him my depression story, then he told me that I was being manipulative and attention seeking. He has also de-friended me on Facebook. I don’t understand what I have done wrong???

3 - The second of these persons is a mutual friend of the complainants and my client. His name is Ben zzzz and his telephone number is 07zzzzzzzz. You will see from the extracts of entries downloaded from his phone that Ellie De Freitas text’s Ben zzzz on the 24.12.12 a number of times:

09:21 on 24.12.12FYI, I am at Ec’s Flat, still!!

09:22 on 24.12.12Please don’t tell him I told you x

09:33 on 24.12.12… Yes I like Ec, a good match…we shall see what happens

11:18 on 24.12.12We’ve had huge fun together actually and we are still together doing last-minute Christmas shopping cx

11:19 on 24.12.12 BIG THANKS for sort- of being matchmaker. Although keep it on the down-low if you don’t mind?

Please could you consider the above and let me know when I can drop the CCTV footage off to you.

Once a decision has been made as to what action is to be taken on my client’s bail to return date please let me know.

Many thanks for your assistance.

zzzz zzzz


For Hodge Jones & Allen LLP

180 North Gower Street
London NW1 2NB

(Tel: 020 7874 zzzz

(Fax: 020 7874 zzzz


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