Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Police Investigation Concludes: No Further Action

The police have decide to drop the case against me, because there is no case. I am so relieved. I am not going to trial. I am no longer on bail. I take a deep breathe and I have the first good nights sleep in a long time.

Thank god.

Below is the "Rationale for No Further Action" written by Detective Inspector Julian King which has also been typed out in text and the original document below:


I have considered and reviewed the facts. In this case and based on these facts I have decided that this investigation should not proceed to RASSO for a consideration to prosecute. There are elements within this case that undermine the credibility of the victim and I do not believe that there would be a realistic chance of a prosecution in this case.

This is no corroboration of the victims account. She claims to have been drugged by the suspect however due to the time lapse in reporting we cannot prove this assertion that the suspect drugged her. The scene examination of the suspects accommodation does not support the victims account. I take into account the fact the suspect could well have tidied/cleaned the scene since this incident however the fact there is no forensic corroboration undermines any prosecution case. Equally the victim reports this matter after receiving communication from the suspect stating that he is route to a police station to report harassment committed by the victim. The issue of credibility of this allegation is an issue as prior to reporting the victim apologises fo her actions by way of email to the suspect. In that she states that she apologises for any trouble she may have caused. The suspect communicates back and informs her that she has lied and that he will potentially seek both civil and criminal proceedings against her.

Both victim and suspect went to Ann Summers the following day and a purchase of goods totalling £337.98 is made. CCTV footage has been gathered by the defence that indicates that both parties appear to be fine and there is no reason to doubt that the victim would be under any duress. Equally these actions post offence would undermine any criminal prosecution. There is nothing to support that the victim has been drugged and forced to goon a shopping trip with the suspect. In fact the opposite could be gleaned by any jury in that both parties were willing to continue their sex exploits and the trip to Ann Summers was to exploit their respective fantasies.

The suspect is a man of good character and has provided a prepared statement. The theme of his thoughts from email communication and the statement is that he completely denies this accusation. In fact he goes beyond this by employing a solicitor to seek independent evidence by way of a telephone download from his friends phone. The friend is a mutual friend of both victim and suspect. Of note is a message to the mutual friend from the victim stating that the suspect 'fucked and chucked'. There is no reference to being sexually assaulted.

Her actions post event cause me concern in that she apologises to the suspect for the trouble causes and she reports this matter after the suspect emails her and sends a text t her father outlining his intentions in the matter.

Overall I make this decision in the interests of the public and I believe it is not in the public interests to continue to allocate resources to this enquiry whether that is police or CPS.


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