Monday, 24 December 2012

My date with Ellie de Freitas

Ellie came round as planned to my flat at around 1pm, we had lunch and then went to Harrods so she could do some Christmas shopping. Whilst we were in Harrods I noticed she had these wads of cash. Perhaps £2000 and I was thinking this is a little strange to carry around so much cash. Especially that she works at the Body Shop.

After Harrods we come back to my flat around 5pm. She realised she left her phone in her car and asked if she could make a phone call using my phone. She called her father and told him where she was.  She lives with her parents so this seemed normal. After the phone call she asked if she could take a shower and came back wearing one of my shirts and little else.

After a few hours of talking, we start kissing and fooling around. We ended up having sex and I was surprised by how sexually confident she was. We had hardly drunk anything, just one small bottle of cider each. 

We had a shower together and went to my bedroom where she gave me a "tantric massage". By then it was midnight and then started to chat.

Just before 2am she suddenly realises that her dad might be trying to reach her. We check my phone (which was on silent) and he has left a number of concerned voicemails and text messages. She messages him back, he replies and they exchange a few more messages together. After a little while we fall asleep in my bed.

We wake up at 830am as I need to put money in the parking meter, so her car doesn't get a ticket. I come back with her phone and Ellie starts texting various friends who have been texting her the last 12 hours. I make a little breakfast, we chat and we joke about getting a sex toy. Specifically a vibrating egg. At 11am we leave my flat having decided to go to sex shop, to buy the vibrating egg.

We arrive at Ann Summers, on Kensington High Street, at around 1130am. She goes in first whilst I finish my cigarette. I come in a minute later and Ellie is literally buying the entire shop. Every minute that goes by she is placing another item into the basket or giving it to the shop assistant. I am trying to get her to slow down, I thought we were going to by a single vibrating egg. But no. When the bill arrives it's £338. Yes you heard me right. I think she spent £60 on lube alone. What 22 year old needs lube?  I reluctantly pay on my card and Ellie gives me half in cash. We leave the shop with 4 carrier bags full of sex toys.

I drove Ellie back to Chelsea to pick up her car and we part company. Tomorrow would be Christmas day so I would't see her for a few days. I was kind of relived.

I liked Ellie but she was turning out to be a bit weird, especially buying all those sex toys and this was just the first date. It was getting all a bit too intense. Some photos of our shopping trip to Ann Summers below.

Eleanor de Freitas and Alexander Economou in Ann Summers
Ellie de Freitas buys sex toys in Ann Summers

Eleanor de Freitas and Alexander Economou shopping in Ann Summers
In Ann Summers at 11:25am on 24th December 2012

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